Earth Crisis is back! Seems like last year was a good year with the return of 108 and Path Of Resistance. I'm extremely psyched about the fact that Earth Crisis will be hitting European grounds this summer. I'll try to go see them as much as possible and it's great to have them back. As far as known these are the confirmed dates , but I guess there's more coming up such as Fluff Fest.
22.06. Clisson – Hellfest (France)
23.06. London – Islington Carling Academy (Great Britain)
24.06. Herne – Pressure Fest (Germany)
26.06. München – Backstage (Germany)
28.06. Antwerpen – Hof Ter Loo ( Belgium) + SWORN ENEMY + WALLS OF JERICHO
29.06. Roitzschjora – With Full Force (Germany)
While listening to the latest Freya record, I digged up up some unpublished Path Of resistance tour pics from their 2006 European tour. The whole thing was awesome, but I'm a laizy fuck when it comes down to taking pics. Just ended up with a handful of pics including some German bathrooms.