Anyways it was quite a sunny day today, and the right moment to spend some time with my records. i got out and did some shopping taking a visit to probably the only remaining actual record store left in our city, they new sell dj/dance vinyls. I felt hungry, and after the loadz of hardcore/punk records, I was in desperately need for something different. Got myself the fucking awesome M.I.A on vinyl and cd, and ended up with an Amy Winehouse record too, I like her because she has tattoos. The record ain't that bad. It felt good to have some pop in my head.

This shit is wicked. Call me for a party. I just can't get enough from this. M.I.A. rules! She's quite political too. Consider me fan!

Picked this one up at the post office today. I happen to like record sleeves with simple faces pictured on them. Found this one on Ebay quite cheap. It's a double getafeolded record by a Polish singer called Ewa Demarczyk born in 1941. It is a live record that seems to be pretty hard to find and rare. Ewa Demarczyk is an independent singer/songwriter and combines a dark manner in bringing out her poetry and songs. This record got released in 1982. Kind of like it, for evenings.
Found some videos too.

Finally. It took me over ten years after being hard shit into Judge. Judge, might be the best straight edge band ever. I knew this record was around, but I never did make an effort to get my hands on it. If I would have gotten this earlier, I'd probably have hated it. Played this record yesterday, and I love it. Mike Judge does some solid songwriting making you trip on a mix of country and elements of blues. Sometimes he sounds like Neil Young, sometimes a little bit too much. But despite of everything, it is a good record. If you hate this, grow up.

Broken Needle : s/t
LP Lengua Armada Records
Through every record I got from Lengua Armada Records out of Chicago. I never got wrong. Didn't know the band, and I choose this over a Pink Eye LP. I'll get the Pink Eye record later, but on here Broken Needle cranks out fucking hardcore/punk that gets me psyched to go out and smash things. If you have taste, buy Lengua Armada Records. Awesome trashing record.

Chinchilla : 101
LP Revelation Records/Crisis
Anyways, this is pure mid nineties stuff. Glad I found this record for a& bargain price with a bonus 7" included. This is an all-female band that released only one record on Crisis Records a division of Revelation Records. This somehow fills in the gap between mid nineties emo and post hardcore and stuff like Veruca Salt and things like that. I always like dthis band from some sampler, still got to give it some spins. Good stuff.

La Piovra : s/t
LP Agipunk Records
La Piovra is currently my favorite Italian trashing band. They trash madly hard, and got their stuff released on the awesome Youthattack Records. What you get here is the euro one-sided picture disk version, with an extra track on it. If you were ever down with bands such as Ohazura and others.....this is some of the best current Italian trashcore you can get, I'll try to snatch that new 7" later on. Fuck!

Deathroes : Final Expense
LP Misanthropic Agenda
Got this one laying at my door :-). Love this stuff. This is dark harsh industrial/noise, i haven't been playing it yet. But I'm waiting for some cold dark nights to spin this motherfucker up. Harsh.
Posting pictures of records, rocks!