Lately I've been quite spending some time into reading cooking books and spending time on making my veggie diet more effective and varied , i pretty much give up that my kitchen still sucks but I'm thinking about spending less money on records and invest more money in the kitchen to be able too cook more and easily delicious veggie meals. During my search for good websites i stumbled upon a whole lot of websites. But Post Punk Kitchen is definitely the one that needs to be highlighted. Post Punk Kitchen is a Manhattan based vegan/vegetarian public airing punk cooking show. They've been putting four episodes online in which you can check out vegan Sushi and Chocolate Oange Cupcakes and a whole lot more. Their shows are cool to watch and have alot of good music and funny rants in it. Definitely a site I'll be hooked on for a long time, check out their upcoming cook book and their interesting forum. Veggies do it better!
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