Anyways I love Clevo hardcore and it's the best thing in the world. But Cleveland has so much more to offer besides Clevo Hardcore and Integrity. Recently there has been the Gordon Solie Motherfuckers reunion for fucks sake. But aside from that, all these great things and all these old bands are getting back together. And hell yes The Spudmonsters got back together for a reunion show. I've been always a big fan of the "no guarantees" record and everything that came after it from "moment of truth" in 1996, to everything later by Run Devil Run in which Don Foose exposed more of his krishna devoted side, still with that same Spudmonsters vibe I do consider it krishnacore. I've never seen The Spudmonsters in my entire life, but I once got to see Run Devil Run where they played a Spudmonsters cover song, and Don Foose saying that someday The Spudmonsters would make their comeback. It has probably been around nine years later now since that Run Devil Run show, and just over little than a month ago, The Spudmonsters did their reunion show in Cleveland. However euro fucks can't make it, I was so psyched about this. I decided to steal some pics and post some video I found as a tribute, to one of my favorite bands. Hoping they'll ever make it to Europe. "no guarantees" is a fucking classic record. The Spudmonsters rule!
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