I've been putting effort in compiling and finsihing off just a few copies of my Holy Terror Ripp Off sleeved mixtapes. Pretty pleased with my selection, however no vinyl here. The tape is going to be up for trade at the show with Losing X Streak, Black Haven and Your God Is Dead through Skoezole Tapetrade. Quite fun, huh? Mixtapes pretty much rule the world and it has been ages since I made a tape the last time, been listening to this thing for a whole week. Eat your heart out.
- prurient : apple tree victim
- integrity : rebirth
- jedi mind tricks : outlive the war
- burn it down : every man's got a devil
- liar : leech
- over and out : what its worth
- another victim : free in constraint
- cila black : abyssinian secret
- bloodlet : holy rollin' homicide
- when tigers fight : after all this time
- today is the day : the man who loves to hurt himself
- ol' dirty bastard : fire dirty dirty
- amps for christ : folkcore
- deadguy : makeshift atomsmasher
- scarlet : florescent sunshine
- antioch arrow : dead now
- method man and redman: where we at
- integrity : bloodlust
- union 13 : symptoms of humanity
- criminal damage : world is not enough
- snake eyes : alone again
- carry on : so much of you
- worlds collide : object of desire (live)
- 108 : killer of the soul (live)
- the hope conspiracy : animal farm
- sinners and saints : dead so soon
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= nice mixtape
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